
A selection of articles profiling Michael Payne as one of the global leaders in the Business of Sport

Business of Sport–

A selection of articles profiling Michael Payne as one of the global leaders in the Business of Sport.

Familiar Rings;–

Commercial Success of Olympics Leaves challenging legacy – Wall St Journal 1998.

Olympic SalesMan–

tries life in the fast lane – The Times 2004.

Straight Talk

Michael Payne’s Toon In! is required reading – 3 Wire Sports 2022

Olympic sponsorship

Michael Payne’s creative vision for Olympic sponsorship has generated billions of dollars for the IOC – Sports Business Journal, 2022.

Michael Payne is a regular contributor on sports industry affairs to some of the world’s leading business and media publications, with articles, columns and OpEds.

1. Olympic Games

2.Olympic General

3.Olympic Business

4.FIFA Corruption Crisis – Sponsors.

5.Sports Governance

Opinion: OpED: Tokyo Olympic Games: The potential to be the greatest ever.

Published 2020 – shortly after Games Postponement Decision.

Kyodo News – syndicated throughout Japanese Media.

The sheer complexity of moving the Olympic Games back a whole year is mind-boggling and gives the IOC and the Japanese organizers the mother of all headaches. It has many consequences: the knock-on effect on the global sports calendar, the renegotiation of hundreds of venue contracts, the management of millions of tickets already sold; seven years of planning have been brought to an abrupt halt. The operational challenge ahead is so daunting, it is difficult to know where to start.

 For full OpEd: